Join us at the 2015 Dublin Irish Festival!
July 31, August 1 & August 2
It is a highlight for our dancers every year to perform for the electric crowds at the Dublin Irish Festival. Please stop by to see a show! And if you find your little ones inspired to dance, try our beginner workshop for children August 4-6!
Friday 7/31/15 4:30-5:15pm Irish Thunder Stage Richens/Timm Senior dancers
Saturday 8/1/15 9:00-9:45 pm Dublin Stage Richens/Timm Senior dancers
Sunday 8/2/15 6:30-7:15 pm Dublin Stage Richens/Timm Senior dancers
Sunday 8/2/15 2:00-2:45pm* Wee Folk Stage Richens/Timm Junior dancers
*great for young aspiring dancers! Will include audience participation dance
Sunday 8/2/15 4:30pm Ceili Dance Stage The Celtic Foot Force with the Kells
All teachers and alumni from Richens/Timm
You can also catch our Adult dancers in action:
Saturday 8/1/15 3:45-4:30pm Ceili Dance Stage Columbus Celtic Dancers
Sunday 8/2/15 12:15-1:00pm Ceili Dance Stage Columbus Celtic Dancers
Richens/Timm dancers promoting the Dublin Irish Festival at the Heritage Night at the Clippers!