Indianapolis, Indiana

Annual Classes are open for enrollment!  Contact Us to enroll

Classes for Children:


Our new dance year begins after Labor Day each September.  Annual classes run regularly through June with a break for the months of July & August.  
Annual children classes offered:
Wednesday Beginner 4:00-4:45pm 
Thursday Beginner 5:00-5:45pm  

Use the contact form to receive more information and for advance fall enrollment. 
Advanced classes & private lessons are also offered.  Detailed schedule available upon request.

Classes for Adults:

*Adult classes held in sessions of 6-10 weeks.  Contact us to join the email list.

New dancers welcome from 5:00-6:00pm.  Next session begins January 12, 2025!

Alumni — we would love to add an alumni class.  Let us know if you’re interested!

If you are a new dancer ready to enroll, please complete an online registration form
Interested in trying but not ready to commit … Come and try a class!  New Dancers may enroll after the first class.

Continuing Adult dancers can enroll with personal login (email) here.

Our adult class is organized into sessions of 6 classes each.  Use the contact form to be added to our adult mailing list and receive announcements of new session dates.  No experience needed.  New dancers welcome!


All classes for children and adults held at our Richens/Timm Studio: 4369 W. 96th St. Indianapolis, IN